Data processing and automation solutions
Data processing and automation solutions

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Lanitek is a software development company in the Kansas City metro area that provides products and services to clients of all sizes.

Our passion is developing automated data transfer solutions that eliminate tedious manual tasks.


As President and founder of Lanitek, Eric Barr has been developing database applications for over 25 years. He has worked with data in all kinds of databases and formats, from CSV and XML files to Microsoft SQL Server, and more. Besides working with his team on data applications, Eric has also taught classes on web application development, database programming, and Microsoft Office.

Eric has developed a strong passion for the nonprofit and government grant sector over the past 15 years working with clients such as UMKC School of Nursing and the American Cancer Society. This has given him a deep appreciation for how these organizations seek to improve the quality of life in our country. Eric strives to develop automation applications like GPRA Upload that help these organizations save time and reduce errors.

Eric grew up outside of Denver, Colorado. His interest in outdoor activities such as mountain biking and hiking took him to California to continue his education obtaining his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, as well as a Master's degree in Engineering Management from Santa Clara University. After he graduated, he decided to relocate to be near family in Kansas City and has since then made it his home. He also enjoys kayaking, playing backgammon, and spending time with family & friends.

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Flowing data



Lanitek's primary product is GPRA Upload.

The Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) requires federal agencies to set long-term performance goals, as well as collect and report performance data related to the achievement of those goals. To comply with this performance reporting, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) requires it’s grantees to collect performance data using surveys approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The responses to those surveys must be entered into SAMHSA's SPARS website.

Lanitek's GPRA Upload system provides online GPRA surveys -- for both Best Practices grants and Client Service grants -- that transfer responses to SPARS automatically. Response data stays electronic from start to finish and requires no human review, resulting in very fast and accurate uploads. This saves organizations hours of manual data entry time inputting survey details.


We move and transform data using many different methods and technologies.

Here are just some of the types of products we have developed for our clients:

  • Data-driven web applications with data entry forms and dynamicly filterable reports using the Microsoft ASP.Net Framework (C# and Visual Basic) with Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Submission and retransmission of electronic form data to other organizations using XML, JSON, REST API's and Microsoft Web Services
  • Various Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), including Google Maps, Google Distance, CVent, Acumatica, Moodle, and more
  • Paper form scanning using Optical Mark Recogniction (OMR) software such as Remark Office OMR and Teleform
  • Data dashboards using Google Data Studio, Google Sheets, Excel, Tableau, and Power BI


Let's get in touch. Send us a message.

Olathe, KS (Kansas City Metro Area)

Phone: 816.237.8089
